Audio Law Learner!
My name is Samuel Partida, Jr.
I’m a criminal law attorney, but I think you can tell I don’t take myself too seriously. What I am serious about is the criminal law.
More specifically,
I am laser focused on the Illinois state criminal law. I produce a podcast and continuing legal education (CLE) programs for my instate colleagues.
If you are in law enforcement, criminal justice or just want to know more about the criminal law you’ll find the resources on this site to be quite helpful.

Here’s a secret about criminal lawyers: We hate to read. We have to read page after page of reports and watch boring body cam and surviellance videos all day. Any additional reading or video watching really sucks.
So all my programs are audio programs!
There is no reading and no video watching required. In fact, I deliver all my content through a podcast. I have a 100% totally free podcast you can subscribe to right now to get started.
Just go here and hit a subscribe button:
If you’re an Illinois police officer and all you need to know is the latest search and seizure information, what’s new with DUI’s, and maybe any other police related updates without all the court procedural stuff then just go here and subscribe to this podcast:
If you’re not sure how to get started and you’re just trying to understand some of the basics of the criminal law go to this page to get started:
The Illinois Criminal Law Handbook
I hope you find answers to all your criminal law questions. If you a question for me or just want to leave a comment or provide feedback use the links below.

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