After Illinois passed the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act which became effective in 2020, can police still search a car when they smell cannabis? Episode 745 (Duration 44:50)
[Read more…]In Light Of The New Gun Laws Can An Illinois Officer Stop And Detain A Person With A Gun?
Episode 643 (Duration 31:51) Illinois attorney Gary True explains the risk involved for anyone who reveals their gun in public.
[Read more…]What Constitutes Probable Cause For A DUI Arrest In Illinois?
What Constitutes Probable Cause For DUI Arrest In Illinois?
A person is under the influence of alcohol when he or she is less able, either mentally or physically, or both, to exercise clear judgment, and with steady hands and nerves operate an automobile with safety to himself and to the public.
[Read more…]The Smell Of Cannabis Coming From A Car Automatically Allows Police To Search The Car Without A Warrant: Is It Time To Change The “Smell Of Cannabis” Rule?
Episode 556 (Duration 24:34). Charles Schierer of East Peoria, Illinois, explains why it’s a good time to change the “smell of cannabis” rule. [Read more…]
Pat Down Search What You Need To Know
Episode 496 (Duration 13:26) Here’s a quick summary of 5 recent “pat down” cases.
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